Basement Waterproofing Solutions

Checking a crawlspace waterproofing contractor’s references prior to hiring them is one of the best ways to ensure that you hire the right contractor. If the contractor is more crawlspace-waterproofing-freehold-nj-all-star-basements-2 than willing to provide you with a list of references, this is one sign that you’re dealing with a trustworthy contractor. However, don’t stop there. It is important to contact the references and actually learn what to expect from the contractor by talking to them. 

Now that you have the list of the crawlspace waterproofing contractor’s references before you, you may be wondering what you should ask them when you call. The following are some questions to help guide your conversations. 

  1. What type of project did the contractor work on for you? 

While crawlspace waterproofing contractors deal with waterproofing, there are various facets of waterproofing a crawlspace. It is important to understand exactly what type of work the contractor did for each reference you contact. You will want to talk with a person that had a project similar to what you want to be done in your crawlspace. This is a great way to determine whether the contractor can actually get the job done. 

2. What was the cost of your project and did the contractor explain the costs to you? 

When you come across clients that have had similar projects done for them by the contractor, you should discuss costs with them. Compare the estimate the crawlspace crawlspace-waterproofing-freehold-nj-basement-waterproofing-solutions-1 waterproofing contractor has provided you with against the cost of the project completed for the client. Do the costs differ too much? Is there a good reason for the difference in pricing such as the price of materials increasing? Did the contractor stay on budget? If not, why not? 

3. Did the contractor complete the job on time? 

You will also want to check whether the contractor can complete the job on time. The contractor should have provided you with an estimated timeline for the project. You should find out whether the contractor stuck to their daily schedule and the timelines they provided previous clients. You will want to hire a contractor that sticks to his word. 

4. Are you happy with the results of the project? 

What do the clients have to say about the results of the project? Do they have any complaints? Have they experienced any problems since the project’s completion? If so, how were these problems handled? 

Use these questions to kick start the conversations with the references provided and get as much information as you need to decide whether or not you should hire the contractor